Best Treatment


Hair Rejuvenation

Thinning and weak hair can cause premature balding and alopecia. It is our goal to make sure your hair follicles are getting the nutrition and care they need so they stop thinning and become the thick hair you always dreamed of having.


Biofibre is a high technology hair implant system that gives immediate and natural aesthetic result. A large quantity of hair can be implanted in a very short period of time as they are foreign fibre implants as opposed to your own hair. Unlike other hair implants, you do not need to shave your head! It can be performed on both men and women who are experiencing balding. Biofibre hair is exclusively made with biocompatible materials.


Find short informative video here


For pictures of patients’ results you can follow the link


We can also painlessly inject minerals, vitamins and other growth factors directly into scalp using the famous French mesogun U225. It enhances hair re-growth by improving circulation of the scalp and providing needed nutrition to hair follicles.

PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Growth

PRP for hair is an injectable treatment where your own growth proteins from your blood are injected back into your bald patches for hair regeneration and growth. The treatment spans over a period of 6 months and treatment is conducted monthly.

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