Best Treatment

Weightloss & Slimming

We promise a complete 180-degree body transformation. It starts with weight loss in kilograms using a physician assisted diet program and ends with skin tightening and spot fat removal.

BTL VanquishME

We are proud to introduce the BTL VanquishME, it is a device to get rid of fat on larger areas of the body like abdomen, thighs, arms and legs. It has no BMI limitations so it has great results on larger patients as well! It is a very affordable treatment where results can be seen within a couple of weeks of treatment. Four treatments are scheduled with a gap of 1 week. There is no pain during the treatment, the only sensation is a little bit of warmth. The treatment causes fat cell disruption. These cells will not regenerate and are gone for good, unless you experience a dramatic lifestyle change.

HCG Diet Protocol

We are a certified administrator of the HCG Diet Protocol granted by the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM). The protocol is designed to help all individuals, men and women of all ages to safely lose weight. The dieting continues for 1 month and does not require intense exercise. It gives patients a long-term weight loss solution that keeps the weight off. What makes this program unique is that it will:

  • Reset your appetite i.e., allow you to eat less
  • Reset your metabolism to a normal range
  • Create a new normal weight
  • Reduce your cravings

Lipolytic (Kybella) Injections

Lipolytic injections are fat dissolving injections. They are injected directly into the fat deposits around your body while chemically denaturing the fat cells. These destroyed fat cells are then eliminated from your body through the natural process of excretion and urination. The active ingredients in the injections have gone through extensive trial and testing to find that they have no side effects. If you are looking to treat your double chin then you will need one to two treatments, whereas you will need multiple sessions to see results around the body.

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq

The CoolSculpting, fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA cleared, non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat. It is meant for resistant fat that does not go away despite diet and exercise, it is not meant for obesity. The results are proven, noticeable, and long lasting.

Benefits of CoolSculpting are:

  • No surgery
  • No anesthesia
  • No needles
  • No invasive techniques
  • No downtime

Skin Tightening

If you have loose skin after weight loss or pregnancy then Alma NIR is the best option for you. This laser treatment can be done anywhere on the body and after multiple sittings it also leads to circumferential reduction. It will tighten your skin and even remove unsightly cellulite.

Carboxytherapy-for cellulite and stretch marks

Carboxytherapy passes C02 gas through your skin to nourish and strengthen your own skin cells. This allows the damaged, scarred and pigmented skin that characterizes stretch marks to heal. Carboxytherapy breaks the connective tissues that lead to the bumpy appearance of cellulite on the surface of your skin allowing your body to go back to its smooth and flawless appearance. This is a minimally invasive treatment that requires multiple treatments for results.

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